Project 6 Proposal

DeviantArt is an online art community for people anywhere to post their own art that was created in 2000. This can practically be anything you can think of and more in the form of 2D drawings, flash videos, 3D videos, photography, and hand made stuff with the acceptance of pornography, though that could be debated really. Deviantart is meant to give artists a chance to show and share their art with a community of other art enthusiasts.

Seeing as this site is for artists to receive some sort of feedback, my plan is to make an account that is from the perspective of a dinosaur and to, in a sense, document its life. I shall post pictures related to the dinosaur such as things it eats and the way it lives. I will document this through the comments I receive from people through screen shots and by commenting on others through this persona. Also with screen shots of the actual page.