Mini-Project #6 Part 1

DUE: Tuesday, March 8th

The purpose of this project is to invite the student to think about and document an alternate way for social networks to function. As discussed in class, there are many methods for re-contextualizing elements of new media. From Lev Manovich, we learn that variability and modularity are principle components of new media. While he was discussing the fundamental components of new media, we can apply these principles to the broader context of new media in the form of mashups, remixes and repurposing.

Web 2.0 social sites have purported purposes. The student will select a Web 2.0 social site and will write a two paragraph paper describing (a) the intended function and purpose of that site and (b) how the student intends to subvert this function and use it to a different purpose. Please include specific details for both how this will be accomplished and how it will be documented. This two paragraph proposal will be posted as a new entry on the blog labeled "Project #6 Proposal".

Here is a list of potential sites (but not the only available sites):
  • Wikipedia
  • Friendster
  • Myspace
  • Facebook
  • Youtube
  • Flickr
  • Twitter