46 years old
Lives alone
Looking for quick news on iPad before work, at lunch, or walking from office to office checking up on people
Stocks, Politics, business, World news are the highest interest
Does not care about Entertainment News
Family Man
35 years old
Wants local news over world news
Little knowledge on stocks
Constant Weather updates checker
Reads news while his kids are at school
Checks weather so the kids can be dressed properly
Entertainment junkie
17 Years old
Lives at home
Goes to every site possible to find entertainment news
Gossip lover
Stays home all the time to look up the new gossip and share it as fast as possible
Uses laptop in bed
The changes I made were directly from the personas. The top of the webpage is mostly business things, because the businessman only has a little bit of time to look at thinks while working, so all that is up top, and big, for the use of the iPad. The weather is also close to the top so that the Family man can get to that quickly, but he has a little more time, so he can have very minimal scrolling. At the bottom is the entertainment junkie’s heaven. All the stories are down there and all she has to do is click on them. Because she researches this stuff all day, she does not have to have her information at the top, she doesn’t mind digging for it just so that she can know more than everyone.