The purpose of this project is to invite the student to think about and document an alternate way for social networks to function. As discussed in class, there are many methods for re-contextualizing elements of new media. From Lev Manovich, we learn that variability and modularity are principle components of new media. While he was delineating the fundamental components of new media, we can apply these principles to the broader context of new media in the form of mashups, remixes and repurposing.
Web 2.0 social sites have purported purposes. You have already submitted a proposal for how to subvert your selected Web 2.0 site, now it is time to do that. I have given a significant amount of time because many of your proposals will require enough time to utilize long-term trolling strategies. Please use this time to carefully document and perform your subversion.
After the project has been completed, the documentation (photos, webpages, video, games, objects) must be brought into class critique in a formal presentation on the 31st. The documentation of this project should be carefully considered, as it will be graded on visual elements as well as the aesthetics of how the project is represented.
For some additional references, I will include a list of subversive art projects and performative/trickster works.