Mini-Project #2

Upon my maiden voyage into the world
of Second Life I stumbled upon a very friendly inhabitant who not only showed me the ropes, but in end became my very first friend in SL. Her avatar was a mix of a fairy and angle with goth clothing. She went by the user name Ariona Afterthought who has been playing for 23 months!! Roughly almost two years has she been playing SL. When I asked her what she was doing here she responded "I'm in Second Life because I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder and I'm highly co-dependent. I need people to socialize with on a constant basis." Not really something you can comment back on but I managed to keep the conversation rolling. Places she enjoys visiting are welcome areas, her home, and shopping. She was indeed a friendly and entertaining person to talk to and I met her in the are known as Korea1.

As I began to familiarize myself with Second Life i began to explore the various areas it had to offer. In one section known as "ThreeSun" I met a charming girl by the name of KittyXJustice. She was a very comical person and we had a very fun conversation. She dressed in a fashionable top and skirt. Like myself she actually had just joined Second Life and was new to the whole system. She joined SL because she heard it was really fun and unique. Also she liked to interact with people/make new friends. We ended up exploring the world together and she even tired to help me find people to talk to. It was indeed amusing and I found myself losing track of time at times.

The last person I ran into was back all the way at the initial starting area Castle Valeria (go figure). There I meet an player by the name of Chi2Chi bore angle wings, a skimpy outfit, and dyed hair. None the less she was a very friendly person and helped me out with this assignment. Chi had only been playing for two weeks so she was still somewhat new herself. When I asked why she had joined SL She said "(for)the clubs and to meet new people." She enjoys going to the clubs and visiting her friends there. With that I thanked her for her time and we were on our way, but no until she sent me a friend request.

In the end my Second Life experience was quite enjoyable and to be honest at first I was not looking forward to doing this. Soon enough though I found myself getting sucked into the character customization and exploration. Meeting new people was fun though I did run into some of the wack jobs along the way. Hope you enjoy reading my experience in the world of Second Life.